Genre information

I have recently been looking more in depth on my season to really get a feel for what is popular during this time and how people try to enjoy it. The season of Fall is a time of balance between light and let go of the old negativity and get ready to welcome in new life. So since this is a time of rejuvenation and cleansing, it's a perfect time to make an issue about self motivation and self reflection. For the cover design i was thinking of incorporating colors such as reds, light yellows, orange, and light shades of blue into some type of yummy food dish. These colors accent each other very well as to make a warm welcoming feeling, drawing the reader in and creating a self connection right away.

My group and I still have to decide what type of style we want to use for the cover and the font style for our magazine title. We're trying to bring attention to healthy eating. The decision should made soon so sketches for my issue will be created soon!


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