
Hey everyone my name is Kayla Ehrhardt and I am totally new to this whole blogging idea! I am super excited to introduce myself into the world of magazine editing because it is something I truly enjoy. I have been inspired by two people: my AICE media studies teacher and my cousin. My teacher has shown me new ways to be engaged with idea's and has helped me improve my knowledge in the editing world. My cousin is a blogger herself and has done many products mainly about food! She is also a photographer so she takes all her own pictures and is very original. Her passion has rubbed off on me and I'm sure I'll love it just as much as she does.

For this product, I am working alongside my two friends Danielle and Paulina. We have decided to for our genre to be about living a healthy lifestyle because all three of us strive to eat better, stay focused, and stay physically active. Since this blog is all about MY journey through the whole process all of us are producing different issues for the same magazine company. I will be doing my issue on the season of fall, Paulina chose winter, and Danielle chose summer. Our issues are seasonally published so we can capture how you can have a better lifestyle just by following our seasonal tips. Being in a group together allows us to bounce ideas off one another and give each other inspiration for our issues.

Lets get this magazine published!!!


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