Feedback Pt. 1

My teacher today set up a feedback session for the class. We got into groups with people besides our group members and helped each other think of new ideas to help enhance the project. I gave some good feedback and good new ideas to the embers so they can use it in their projects. The members in the group were all creating film openings so I was the odd one out and couldn't really relate to anyone and get ideas off of them. But I was able to come to a conclusion on some things I was stuck on.

I had brought up the idea of making my table of contents creative or simple and they all told me to be creative. Since my issue is about fall, I am going to fill the background with fall leaves and write the contents on top of it. For my two-page spread I am going to have about 4 different desserts and include the recipes to make them. I might also include some type of information on the health nutrition apples give.

I think this exercise was a good part for the project. It helped me, as well as the others, get some inspiration and help to improve their final product. 


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